1902 The Young Mt. Zion Baptist Church was organized November 17, 1902 with twelve members of the Old Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Beech Island, South Carolina, who were living in Augusta, Georgia. These twelve members had been conducting a prayer band for about two years in the Moral Society Mall on the site where the Moses Baptist Church now stands. They decided to ask permission of the Mother church to organize a church here in Augusta, Georgia because their transportation would not permit them to attend their church as regularly as desired. A council composed of Pastors of various churches in Augusta was authorized on November 17, 1902 to organize the church. On November 17, 1902 the Young Mt. Zion Baptist Church was organized. The first Pastor of the Young Mt. Zion Baptist Church was Rev. J. H. Boyd, who was also Pastor of the Old Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Beech Island, SC.
1903 In August 1903, the church bought the site at 516 Forsythe Street. During the same year a building was bought and rolled on the grounds.
1903-1933 the disciples of the newly organized church marched into their new building. The young church began to grow under Rev. J. H. Boyd's Pastorate. When Rev. Boyd resigned, Rev. Evans was called. After Rev. Evan’s gave his resignation, Rev. E.W. Burke was called. During Rev. Burke's administration some remodeling was done to the church. After Rev. Burke’s resignation, Rev. J.L. Mackey served for a short period of time. Rev. J.L. Elim succeeded Rev. Mackey as Pastor. Rev. J.W. Tate was called following the resignation of Rev. J.L. Elim. Under Rev. J. W. Tate's leadership, the church was completely remodeled and the name was changed from Young Zion to Greater Young Zion Baptist Church.
1933-1957 On May 15, 1933 the church was completely destroyed by fire. Services were held in First Ward School located on 2nd and Watkins Street. The church was rebuilt in its same location at 516 Forsythe Street in 1934. The disciples of the church prayed for God to send them a leader, and God answered their prayers. In June 1935, God sent us Rev. J. H. McClusky of Atlanta, Georgia and he accepted the call and pastored the church for 21 years and 8 months until he was called home to be with the Lord in January 1957.
1959 - Rev. H. L. Harrison of Aiken, South Carolina was called to serve as Pastor.
1960-1969 An annex was added to church located on Forsythe Street in 1968. Rev. H.L. Harrison resigned in 1969. In November 1969, Rev. J. H. Sims accepted the call to Pastor at Greater Young Zion B.C. and the Missionary Society Boys and Girls Scout Troops were organized.
1975 Rev. Thomas E. Sapp, Jr. became the new Pastor in March 1975 after Rev. Sims resigned.
Under Rev. Sapp's leadership the John D. Hatney Choir, Voices of Greater Young Zion, Pastor's Aid Club and Willing Workers Club were organized; the sanctuary was remodeled and new pews were purchased.
1981 Rev. Gregory Devon Franklin was elected to the Pastorate of Greater Young Zion on June 29, 1981. Rev. Franklin resigned on May 21, 1983.
1983 The current Pastor, Rev. William Bruce Blount, Sr. was called in November 1983. In February 1984, he began his pastorate.
1984 The church was totally reorganized in 1984 with an emphasis on Christian Education and Development, Bible Study, evangelism, seminars, workshops, and other ministries aimed at equipping the saints. A scholarship program was established and outreach ministries were organized.
1994 The Family Enrichment Ministries (FEM) was founded in 1994 as a statewide initiative aimed at preserving and impacting today's families to live God's way.
The church's theme is "Seeking, Reaching, and Teaching All to Live For Christ"; our emphasis is "Excellence in Ministry". Our focus is on prayer, teaching the Word, preaching the Word, and making disciples.
2000 Groundbreaking for the new worship center was held in February 2000 and construction began on July 5, 2000.
2001 The first sermon preached in the new facility by Pastor William B. Blount, Sr., was entitled "The Divine Agenda" on June 24, 2001 at 3:00 PM. Additionally the Koinonia Community Development Corporation, located at 516 Forsythe Street, was founded as well as the Koinonia Summer Enrichment Program.
1903 In August 1903, the church bought the site at 516 Forsythe Street. During the same year a building was bought and rolled on the grounds.
1903-1933 the disciples of the newly organized church marched into their new building. The young church began to grow under Rev. J. H. Boyd's Pastorate. When Rev. Boyd resigned, Rev. Evans was called. After Rev. Evan’s gave his resignation, Rev. E.W. Burke was called. During Rev. Burke's administration some remodeling was done to the church. After Rev. Burke’s resignation, Rev. J.L. Mackey served for a short period of time. Rev. J.L. Elim succeeded Rev. Mackey as Pastor. Rev. J.W. Tate was called following the resignation of Rev. J.L. Elim. Under Rev. J. W. Tate's leadership, the church was completely remodeled and the name was changed from Young Zion to Greater Young Zion Baptist Church.
1933-1957 On May 15, 1933 the church was completely destroyed by fire. Services were held in First Ward School located on 2nd and Watkins Street. The church was rebuilt in its same location at 516 Forsythe Street in 1934. The disciples of the church prayed for God to send them a leader, and God answered their prayers. In June 1935, God sent us Rev. J. H. McClusky of Atlanta, Georgia and he accepted the call and pastored the church for 21 years and 8 months until he was called home to be with the Lord in January 1957.
1959 - Rev. H. L. Harrison of Aiken, South Carolina was called to serve as Pastor.
1960-1969 An annex was added to church located on Forsythe Street in 1968. Rev. H.L. Harrison resigned in 1969. In November 1969, Rev. J. H. Sims accepted the call to Pastor at Greater Young Zion B.C. and the Missionary Society Boys and Girls Scout Troops were organized.
1975 Rev. Thomas E. Sapp, Jr. became the new Pastor in March 1975 after Rev. Sims resigned.
Under Rev. Sapp's leadership the John D. Hatney Choir, Voices of Greater Young Zion, Pastor's Aid Club and Willing Workers Club were organized; the sanctuary was remodeled and new pews were purchased.
1981 Rev. Gregory Devon Franklin was elected to the Pastorate of Greater Young Zion on June 29, 1981. Rev. Franklin resigned on May 21, 1983.
1983 The current Pastor, Rev. William Bruce Blount, Sr. was called in November 1983. In February 1984, he began his pastorate.
1984 The church was totally reorganized in 1984 with an emphasis on Christian Education and Development, Bible Study, evangelism, seminars, workshops, and other ministries aimed at equipping the saints. A scholarship program was established and outreach ministries were organized.
1994 The Family Enrichment Ministries (FEM) was founded in 1994 as a statewide initiative aimed at preserving and impacting today's families to live God's way.
The church's theme is "Seeking, Reaching, and Teaching All to Live For Christ"; our emphasis is "Excellence in Ministry". Our focus is on prayer, teaching the Word, preaching the Word, and making disciples.
2000 Groundbreaking for the new worship center was held in February 2000 and construction began on July 5, 2000.
2001 The first sermon preached in the new facility by Pastor William B. Blount, Sr., was entitled "The Divine Agenda" on June 24, 2001 at 3:00 PM. Additionally the Koinonia Community Development Corporation, located at 516 Forsythe Street, was founded as well as the Koinonia Summer Enrichment Program.